Sixth Form Specialist Tutor Programme

The Specialist Tutor Programme is integral to the Sixth Form experience; it provides high quality advice and guidance at a time of students’ education when they need it most.
It also allows for a weekly activity hour built into the student’s timetable to allow them to develop wider skills, prepare for their future and develop their understanding in subjects they are passionate about. Each week there are a range of activities for students to choose from.
This week Year 12 and 13 were able to take part in car maintenance, social media awareness, University aptitude test preparation (BMAT, TSA, LNAT), Personal Statement support sessions, the Year 13 Yearbook, media and marketing projects, ‘Fantasy Trader’ (a stocks and shares game), developing skills in essay writing, independent learning, MS office skills, Frisbee golf, First Aid resuscitation, and costume design for Julius Caesar. The National Citizenship Service followed up last week’s assembly with a drop in session, Beth Clay (Alumni) shared her experiences studying BSC undergraduate course in Human Biology; she is currently studying for her PHD researching immunology. Imogen Kenny, 3rd Year Geography undergraduate at UWE, shared her experiences too, helping students to understand the Geography course structure, application and assessment, career pathways and University life. If that’s not enough, Chemistry enthusiasts investigated whether jelly babies or soft shrimps produce the most exciting reaction in the screaming jelly baby experiment and how to implode soft drink cans through temperature and pressure change (and how to demonstrate this to Year 7s in STEM Club).
Of course, it doesn’t stop there – this is just one week’s activities and we expect Sixth Formers to continue to pursue their love of learning outside of the classroom independently. The session runs every Tuesday (9.50-10.50am) andwe are always looking to add new contacts and activities. If you are interested in participating we would love to hear from you.
Mr Morgan