Pupil Premium
Natalie Jones is Churchill Academy's Inclusion Coordinator. Please contact Leasa Knapp, Pupil Premium Administration Support, with any queries regarding Pupil Premium.
The full Pupil Premium report and strategy is available to download.
Pupil Premium – what is it?
Pupil Premium (PP) funding is funding provided to schools and academies by the government for the purpose of supporting those students who meet the PP eligibility criteria.
National statistics show that students who are eligible for PP funding do less well than their peers in external exams. The aim of PP funding is to enable schools and academies to help close that attainment gap by bridging the inequality of opportunity that exists between PP students and their peers.
For further information please follow this link.
Who is eligible?
For further information, please see the Eligibility Criteria.
How do I apply?
If you would like to apply for Free School Meals, you can use this quick online application:
Further information
Why Apply for Free School Meals?
By registering your children the school receives additional funding that will be used to help your child.
The use of Pupil Premium funds
The funding we receive for pupil premium is ring-fenced from the main school budget. Our Inclusion Coordinator supports the process to access funding to ensure interventions are targeted, planned and evaluated. Our Governing Body is also responsible for accounting for the impact of Pupil Premium.
At Churchill Academy & Sixth Form we are determined to make sure that our funding is spent on eligible children in the manner which best supports them. The Academy ensures that the funding is used to promote high expectations and achievement for eligible students, to allow access to educational opportunities that might otherwise be unavailable to them and to monitor their progress to ensure any further areas of support are identified and funded.
Areas where we can help
The documents below give information about different ways we can help.