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Churchill Academy & Sixth Form


At Churchill Academy & Sixth Form we have the highest expectations of all students regardless of their starting point.  We are committed to the principle of Inclusion ensuring that all students are supported within a whole school approach to SEND. 

Our specialist and experienced SEND team work in partnership with class teachers to enable all students with identified SEND to access a broad and balanced curriculum offer.   We have experience of supporting students with a wide range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  We are happy to discuss your child’s individual needs with you and look at how we can personalise what we offer.

We follow the guidelines contained with the SEND Code of Practice (2015) and we understand the importance of working collaboratively with students, parents and other professionals to ensure the very best outcomes for every student.  We welcome any suggestions from students and parents about how we can improve our service and the way we work together. 

The well-being of our students is a primary concern.  Pupils are supported with their Social and Emotional Development through the Tutor programme and through our bespoke whole school PSHE days.  We are very proud of the pastoral support and care that we offer to our students.   Students are monitored closely and can access support through their Tutor, Key worker (where applicable), Head of House and member/s of the Student Services/SEND team.

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to find out more information in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Churchill Academy please contact our SENCo, Mrs Agnieszka Moncur

We look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your child's success at Churchill Academy and beyond.

Resources and downloads

  • SEND Information Report - this report is for current and prospective parents, carers and families and outlines our provision for supporting students with identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  
  • SEND Policy - this reflects statutory requirements in terms of how the school aims to meet the needs of students with SEND.  
  • SEND Frequently Asked Questions
  • Disability and Accessibility Plan - This reflects how at Churchill we ensure access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability and how we are working to improve access to the physical environment of the school.
  • North Somerset Local Offer - The Local Offer provides information for children and young people in North Somerset with special educational needs or a disability - you may see this abbreviated as SEND both here and in various official documents. SEND provision at Churchill Academy & Sixth Forms part of North Somerset’s Local Offer. 
  • Parent and Student friendly information guides re: SEND - As the rules and regulations around SEND can be complex and daunting, North Somerset have developed accessible versions of guidance and policies for both young people and parents. these documents sum up the key steps, issues or processes involved in getting support.  They aim to answer the simple questions: whowhatwhere and when?

  • North Somerset Support Group - SAY (SEND and You) supports parents, children and young people with Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND)

Universal Provision

Teaching Physical adaptations
  • Churchill’s ‘What does a good lesson look like?’ is used to purposefully plan to meet the needs of all learners.

  • Student passports are used to inform planning and preparation for teaching activities and resources

  • Staff know the students and have strong respectful relationships.

  • A wide range of assessment strategies and tools are used to ensure a thorough understanding of learners

  • Key strategies are used in the classroom to ensure students set no limits on what they can achieve:

    • Reviewing Material

    • Questioning and checking for understanding

    • Sequencing concepts, modelling and scaffolding

    • Stages of Practice

  • Seating and groups are created in response to Assessment for Learning so that teachers can adapt teaching

  • Technology is used to support learning

  • Inclusive Assessment for Learning Strategies, including additional thinking and processing time

  • Additional adults in the classroom have a specific focus and are deliberately used to remove barriers to learning. 

  • Staff are supported through collaboration, professional development, advice and guidance.

  • Where appropriate and following screening, students are assessed for exam access arrangements from year 9

  • Parents and carers have the opportunities throughout the year to meet with teachers during parents evenings.

  • Well organised learning environment 

  • Student passports are used to seat students in optimum positions

  • Staff are aware of lighting in the room

  • Coloured overlays are used for some students to reduce visual stress

  • Fidget toys and Step Out Cards are used with identified students

  • Use of visual timetable and lesson structure

  • Where there are identified medical needs, staff are trained by the appropriate professional around the specific health need and any medication required. 

Physical adaptations
  • Clear whole school behaviour policy

  • Consistent use of rewards and sanctions, including restorative conversations and scripts

  • A clear rewards system

  • Transparent communication with home via My child at School

  • Frequent analysis of attendance data and patterns

  • Pastoral and SEND team join up planning and provision

  • Access to identified quiet place to support regulation

  • Opportunities for social and emotional development e.g check ins, clubs, inclusive opportunities as part of the Churchill Charter

  • Future careers guidance and enhanced transition opportunities