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Churchill Academy & Sixth Form

Curriculum Evenings

We have been delighted to welcome students back to the Academy for the new academic year. As students move into new year groups, key stages and phases of their education, we would like to take the opportunity to invite families into school for a series of Information Evenings taking place over the next few weeks.

These evenings will be an opportunity for you to hear from senior staff about relevant information for the year ahead.  There will be updates on curriculum, logistics, key dates and behaviour. In addition, there will be information on stage-specific milestones such as the Year 9 options process, work experience and starting new GCSE courses for families with students in Year 10, supporting your child with revision in Year 11 and UCAS and careers information for families in the Sixth Form.

These evenings will all take place in the Academy Hall.  Please check the timings carefully as some differ.

  • Year 11: Monday 9th September - 6 - 7:30pm

  • Year 8: Tuesday 10th September - 6 - 7pm

  • Year 10: Monday 16th September - 6 - 7pm

  • Year 9: Tuesday 17th September - 6 - 7pm

  • Year 12: Wednesday 18th September - 6 - 7pm

  • Year 7: Monday 23rd September - 6 - 7pm

  • Year 13: Tuesday 24th September -6:30 - 8pm

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at these sessions, where staff will also be available to answer questions.  In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via email -