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Churchill Academy & Sixth Form


Churchill Academy & Sixth Form joined the Lighthouse Schools Partnership multi-academy trust on the 1st April 2023.   

Click here for information about Governance in the Lighthouse Schools Partnership. 

The Local Governing Board is responsible for ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its students, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance the Academy and making sure its money is well spent

The Local Governing Board is determined to be inclusive as well as aspiring to the highest standards for all students.


The Local Governing Board (LGB) comprises governors representing parents, staff and the community. The LGB will meet six times annually with a Finance Committee sitting alongside the LGB.

Governors welcome any comments, feedback and suggestions and can be contacted at

The Chair of Governors, Mr Ben Hardy, can be contacted c/o Churchill Academy & Sixth Form, Churchill Green, Churchill, BS25 5QN or via the governors' email address above.

​The agenda for the most recent meeting and minutes of the previous Board meeting are available on request to the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Emily Hamill.  If you would like a copy of the minutes, or you would like to contact governors, please email the Clerk.

The Local Governing Board
  • Mr Ben Hardy - Community - Chair of Governors, Pay Committee, Finance Committee, Head's Performance Panel
  • Mr Ian Cook - Community - Vice Chair of Governors, Health & Safety Chair, Finance Committee
  • Mr Chris Hildrew - Headteacher (ex-officio) - All committees
  • Mrs Katie Isgove - Parent - Culture, Participation & Engagement, Finance Committee Chair
  • Ms Holly James - Staff
  • Mr Simon Neville - Community - Safeguarding/Prevent, Children in Care/Previously Looked After
  • Mr Andy Titerickx - Parent - Pupil Premium & Inclusion, Head's Performance Panel
  • Mr Peter Williams - Community - IT/GDPR
  • Mr Stephen Moir - Community 
  • Mr Steve Haines - Parent - SEND & Inclusion 

Past governors 

Become a Governor

Parents or members of the local community who are interested in the work of the governors or in becoming a governor are welcome to contact the Clerk for more information.